Friday, November 17, 2006

Boundary,n. In political geography, an imaginary line between two nations, seperating the imaginary rights of one from the imaginary rights of the other.
-Ambrose Bierce

But if images are the base for making decisions or you can say our thinking is driven out of every image resides in our mind. Than how 'imaginary' could be imaginary?
Isn't it refelection of reality?

or the above sentence by Ambrose is portraying the wrong image.


Anonymous said...

Boundary is not imaginary but is driven by an imaginary idea followed by the rights in the same I believe Ambrose's portray of things is right but thought and written in a very imaginary way which certainly does not drive any reality.

Pradeep said...
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Pradeep said...

my dear friend, simulation of images could be reality...that exactly our mind is doing actually...